
P.O. Box 4, Cropseyville, NY 12052

POLICY NAME: Tamarac Bengals Booster Club, Inc. By-Laws
TAX ID: 87-2782076
DATE APPROVED: September 10, 2018
DATES AMENDED: April 8, 2019; February 7, 2022

Section 1 – NAME: The name of the organization is Tamarac Bengals Booster Club, Inc. also known as Tamarac Booster Club.
Section 2 – GENERAL OBJECTIVE: Our mission is to promote and support athletic and academic excellence. We are committed to creating an environment that inspires student athletes, coaches, parents, and the community to collectively create a positive and spirited atmosphere for all athletic programs and provides our student athletes with the best possible experience. We will provide financial assistance and support to our student athletes, coaching staff, and athletic programs through our fundraising efforts. We encourage and support our athletic programs to find ways to give back to a community that supports them.
Section 3 – SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: The purposes of the club shall be to: A) Develop student and community interest in all Brunswick Central School District interscholastic sports activities and to promote a superior athletic program with a focus on the student athlete. B) Promote interest and attendance at all Brunswick Central School District Events and competitions. C) Conceive, create and develop ideas, projects, and other assistance to further the athletic program and to improve the athletic facilities in the Brunswick Central School District with a focus on the student athlete. D) Be organized and operated exclusively for the charitable and educational purposes related to the Brunswick student athletes and school district athlete program. E) Help maintain and improve communications and cooperation between and among parents, coaches, teachers, students, student athletes, athletic director, administrators, and the Brunswick Central School District Board of Education for the advancement and improvement of the interscholastic athletic programs in the Brunswick Central School District. F) Raise funds to be utilized for supporting student athletes and the athletic programs and facilities.

Section 1 – GENERAL: A) Any parent or guardian of a Brunswick Central School District athlete is automatically a member of the Club. B) Any person who is interested in the objectives of the Tamarac Booster Club and active in its affairs is considered a member of the Club. C) No dues are required for membership.

Section 1 – MEMBERSHIP MEETINGS: Regular monthly meetings shall be held at 7pm on the second Monday of each month at the Tamarac High School Library unless otherwise communicated.
Section 2 – BOOSTER CLUB EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS: a) The President may call special Executive Board meetings. B) A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. C) Any member may present anything to the Executive Board by making it known to any member of the Executive Board in person or in writing.

Section 1 – GENERAL TERMS: The Executive Board of the Club consists of the President, Vice President, and Vice President of Concession, Secretary, and Treasurer. There may be such other officers as the Club may require from time to time. Job descriptions for the Executive Committee are an attachment to these by-laws.
Section 2 – ELECTION: The officers shall be elected at the May meeting each year. For consideration, nominees for officers require six (6) hours of active participation within the preceding twelve (12) month period which includes attendance at a minimum of (4) monthly general membership meetings. Nominations may only be made with the nominated person’s approval. Nominations will be announced at least thirty (30) days prior to the election. Majority rules based on those present at the election. No person shall hold more than one office during a term.
Section 3 – TERM OF OFFICE: The term of each administration begins July 1st and ends June 30th. The officers are elected yearly. If a vacancy occurs during a year, the remaining members of the Executive Board shall elect a replacement at the next scheduled meeting. The officer elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected for the unexpired term of the officer’s predecessor in office.
Section 4 – REMOVAL: Any officer may be removed at any time, with or without cause, by a vote of a majority of the entire Board at any special meeting of the Board called for that purpose, provided that at least one week’s notice of the proposed action shall have been given to the entire Executive Board in office.
Section 5 – COMPENSATION: No officer or member of the Tamarac Booster Club shall receive any stated compensation for their services.

Section 1 – GENERAL: The Club shall consider no motion or resolution until it has been considered and recommended by the Executive Board.
Section 2 – APPROVALS AND AUTHORIZATIONS: No motion or resolution will be adopted by the Club until approved by a majority at a membership meeting. The Executive Board can authorize expenditures between membership meetings.

Section 1 – AMENDMENTS: Amendments to the By-Laws shall require a majority vote of the members at a monthly meeting. All proposed amendments shall be presented to the Executive Board at least 30 days prior to the meeting where the vote is expected to take place.
Section 2 – BY-LAWS ACCEPTANCE: Acceptance of these By-Laws will be by a majority of the voting members. These By-Laws will be considered effective immediately upon their acceptance and will supersede all previously accepted By-Laws and Amendments.

Section 1 – SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Special Committees, composed of Executive Board members and/or personnel who are Executive Board members, may be appointed by the Board and shall have only the powers specifically delegated to them by the Board. The President shall appoint a chairperson of each committee, and that person shall be responsible for reporting updates at the regularly scheduled board meeting(s). Typical committees may include, but are not limited to, the National Letter of Intent Committee; the Fundraising Committee; the Communication Committee; and the Spirit Wear Committee.

Section 1 – CONTRACTS: The Executive Board may, by resolution duly adopted, authorize any officer or officers, member or members of the Club, to enter into any contract or to execute and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Club.
Section 2 – GIFTS AND CONTRIBUTIONS: The Executive Board may accept any contribution, gift, bequest or devise of any type of property (“donations”), for the general and special charitable purposes of the Club. The Club will hold such funds in either the general account or specific team/program account. The Club will collect funds and may receive the income from such funds or property.

Section 1 – TRANSPARENCY: It is the intent that there be complete transparency as to the financial activities of the Tamarac Booster Club and that any member of the Executive Board and general membership shall have full and complete access to all financial activities of the Club. The treasurer will provide a monthly report of all Tamarac Booster Club income and expenses as well as requests for funds and requests to fundraise.
Section 2 – FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY: The Executive Board shall meet from time to time to ensure the financial accountability and transparency and if deemed necessary, shall implement processes and procedures to support the intended goals of financial accountability and transparency. In support of these objectives, the following procedures are adopted:

  • All money raised by fundraising projects shall be conducted within the scope of the Tamarac Booster Club’s mission and shall consider appropriate financial controls in the collection of such funds.
  • All offers of financial or equipment donations for the benefit of the Tamarac Athletic Programs from companies, families, or individuals must be made directly to the Executive Board.
  • All potential conflicts of interest, including a member transaction with the Club, or the payment for services by the Club to anyone that is a member, shall be immediately brought to the attention of the Executive Board with a full disclosure of all relevant facts. The Executive Board, upon a majority vote (not including the vote of any person involved in the potential conflict, if applicable) will determine how to handle the potential conflict of interest.

The Tamarac Booster Club may be dissolved by a majority vote of the Executive Board and a majority vote of the general membership. If for any reason the Tamarac Booster Club is dissolved, the remaining funds in the Booster Club bank account(s) will be used for the benefit of the Tamarac Athletic Programs until the funds are exhausted. If necessary, any such funds will be turned over to the Tamarac Athletic Department for safekeeping and disbursement.